Brewing Inclusion at Dig It! Coffee Co.

Brewing Inclusion at Dig It! Coffee Co

We met up with Taylor, the Founder of Dig it! Coffee Co. and learned why this is so much more than a coffee shop…

Dig It! Coffee Co. is a uniquely inclusive small business here in Las Vegas. Can you tell us what makes this coffee shop so remarkable and why you started the business?

My little sister, Lindsay was born with down syndrome, and she is one of my favorite humans! We are really close in age and transitioned to adulthood around the same time. I had a lot of opportunities to choose from and what I wanted my future to look like and unfortunately, she did not have many options or choices. Lindsay attended a program here in town and she just became a number that slipped through the cracks. I knew I wanted MORE for her and so I started a nonprofit organization called The Garden Foundation, and we opened our doors in 2018. 

The Garden Foundation is a nonprofit organization serving adults with disabilities here in Las Vegas and we provide continuing educational and recreational classes with smaller ratios and more personalized services to help people reach their fullest potential. 

Work is a big part of adulthood and is where people find fulfillment and value and we wanted that for the people we serve. We started teaching work skills through a coffee cart down the hall and our people had the opportunity to work on customer service skills, money handling, teamwork, self-confidence, etc. The people in the office receiving their coffee had such wonderful experience and always asked when we would be back! Over the next four years we began to work special events, farmers markets, 5ks, etc. and I knew then that we wanted to do this on a bigger scale. We then opened our brick-and-mortar coffee shop, Dig it! Coffee Co. in September of 22!

Barista Lindsay at Dig it! Coffee Co. Las Vegas

Can you tell us more about the mission of providing competitive wage job opportunities for adults of all abilities?

There are so many inequalities when it comes to people with disabilities and many of those have to do with employment. It is still legal in the US in some states to pay adults with disabilities subminimum wage (less than minimum wage and as low as 30 cents). Employment opportunities are often secluded, done in warehouses or workshops and are often menial tasks that don't allow the person to really reach their full potential or be seen as the capable and amazing person they are! 

Dig it! Is very proud to say that we offer competitive wage job opportunities for adults with disabilities in a positive, inclusive work environment where people are able to thrive and build new skills!

Could you elaborate on the job training and mentorship programs Dig It! Coffee Co. offers for adults with disabilities?

Each person is seen as an individual. We sit down with each person to say ‘What are your strengths?’ ‘What are your challenges?’ What would help you be successful, here? We take a very personalized approach to each person and provide modifications, accommodations, continued training and mentorship specifically where that person feels they need it most.

Can you share some examples of the impact Dig it! Coffee Co. has had on its employees and the community?

I would love to have my people answer this for themselves as I know they can each share their own experience but the coolest part about being a part of Dig it! Is being asked ‘when can I work next?’ ‘I’ll work a holiday!’ ‘Can I have more hours?’ ‘this is the best job Ive ever had!’ I’m truly told /asked these things daily and I wish every business owner had the opportunity to be a part of such a  loving, dedicated team. We’ve also had team members who received their very first paycheck, saved for their first haircut that they paid for themselves, bought their families holiday presents that they have never been able to do before! THIS is priceless and truly immeasurable. 

The impact on the community has also been so heartwarming. I knew the disability community would show up and be incredibly supportive of our mission and all we’re doing but more than that it’s been the general public and especially the downtown community. People who have never had an experience with people with disabilities before have now become our regulars and I believe it’s changed their hearts for the better. 

Can you describe the atmosphere and experience customers can expect when visiting Dig It! Coffee Co.?

You can expect to walk in to a fun, funky, bright and colorful shop that hopefully brightens your day! We hope you leave with a great cup of coffee and food that has you thinking about us the next day! But truly, we hope you get to have a delightful experience of maybe someone who’s different than you but that you might thoroughly enjoy and it might impact your heart to be a little more kind and a little less judgemental.

What are a few simple things other local businesses could do to become more inclusive?

Take a look at your team and see if you feel you are comprised of a diverse group of people with a common mission! It’s always helpful to have people on your team with different backgrounds, perspectives, abilities and more as each person can bring something to the table! 

— You can always reach out if you have a (paid) employment opportunity and you are interested in hiring more diversely! I’d be happy to help if I can. —

Taylor, Where are some of you and your families’ favorite local spots in Las Vegas?

  • Dig it! Coffee Co.’s story time (read more here)

  • Esther’s Kitchen & Tacotarian (Art district neighborhood favorites!)

  • Discovery Museum 

  • And all of the great events shared by Las Vegas Parents Club! How else would I know what’s family friendly and going on here in LV!? WE love you guys!! 

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