Paige & Rye Has Become A Home for Local Vegas Makers and Businesses
Lauren didn’t start Paige & Rye with any “intention” of being local. She just wanted to order, curate and sell items she loved. As she opened her store, she quickly met many local artists and vendors that needed a place to show off their work and sell their products. She created the brick and mortar home that many were looking for and this became a great way to partner with the Las Vegas community.
Lauren Tieru is the owner of Paige & Rye, A Local Market and The Grey Room. She comes from a long career of event planning and has a passion for design. She has three children: Bailey , Harrison and Brooklyn, along with a supportive Husband, two dogs and two cats. Needless to say, this mama has her hands full!
“We have transitioned into becoming completely local and carrying makers and businesses from all over Las Vegas and beyond, something this city was lacking.”
We got with Lauren to learn more about her complementary duel business model and how it has transitioned over the years.
Paige & Rye + The Grey Room
“Having children, with a desire to be a more active participant in their activities and to “work” less, I wanted to open a boutique. My vision was to focus on interior design and home goods, while operating an event space to still do what I loved… just on a much smaller scale. In January of 2020, I gave notice to my employer of a decade long career, found out we were having a (Surprise!) third child in February, and then in March the world shut down from Covid. But, determined and stubborn, I signed a lease for a boutique space that just felt meant to be. Two weeks after our third child was born, we opened the doors to Paige & Rye - the middle names of our first two children. Shortly after, we started booking for our small event space, The Grey Room - our third child’s middle name. Our event space then was smaller so we could do more covid friendly parties which made guests feel more comfortable and the boutique was available for online or pick up orders.
During our first year of being open and in a pandemic, we booked over 70 events and met amazing, loyal shoppers in our boutique. Our second year of business allowed us to expand to the unit next door and double the amount of space for events. Now in our third year as a company, we have transitioned into becoming completely local and carrying makers and businesses from all over Las Vegas and beyond, something this city was lacking.
The Reopening
After a short down time, Paige & Rye has reopened at Downtown Summerlin at a new location. They are right next to the field, making it easy access during one of DTS’s many events and markets.
Having the event space located within the boutique makes it very easy for the two to mix. During classes and workshops, there is opportunity for shopping happy hours, during baby Showers, guests can grab a gift they might have forgotten, and they can throw lots of great mixed networking events. They can still of course do all of this and are open for event booking! Check out our Instagram post for photos of the new location.
How do you decide on which products to keep in the store?
“We try to keep a small amount of each “type” of product but we know and like so many more businesses than we are even able to stock. The relationships are an important factor and how we all believe in each other to push for everyone’s success.”
If other small businesses are interested in placing their products in your shop, what steps should they take?
“We have an online app on the Paige & Rye website, under our vendor tabs where small businesses can submit an application for their products to be placed. I first suggest coming into the store to check it out. Say “Hi” if you can. You won’t be able to know if you really want to be here until you have shopped here!”
Where are your favorite local spots for you and your family in Las Vegas?
“We stay in our Summerlin bubble for the most part! My husband and I dine often at amazing restaurants and he has a great world of friends in hospitality. We are lucky to be able to try so many amazing places here in town. For my local businesses; we love coffee shops like Caffeine Machine, Aspire and Dig It. When I can make it Downtown, I always have to support the awesome stores like For The Love and Akin with local makers! If I am not at the shop or event space on a weekend, my first stop is always a market or show to support others.”