Surviving the Las Vegas Heat w/ Babies & Young Kids: Tips and Tricks for Parents

Las Vegas, the Entertainment Capital of the World, is known for its scorching heat, especially during the summer months. With temperatures routinely soaring over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and the sun bearing down relentlessly, being a parent with babies and young kids in Las Vegas can be a daunting task. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor enjoying a vacation, it's crucial to be well-prepared to ensure the safety and comfort of your little ones. In this article, we'll explore some essential tips and items to help you navigate the high heat temperatures and keep your kids cool and happy.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Precool your car: If you have the time, start your car a few minutes before you plan to get inside. This will give your vehicle a chance to cool down, making it more comfortable for you and your children.

  2. Cooling towels: Invest in high-quality cooling towels that will keep you and your kids cool in the scorching heat. These towels can be used to cool your neck and head and can also double as shade for your kids' shoulders or even as a cover to shield them from the direct sun. Ensure you choose a reliable brand that won't dry out quickly or fail to withstand the Las Vegas heat.

  3. Cold ice packs for car seats: Combat the sweltering temperatures of your baby's car seat by placing cold ice packs in them, even for just a minute. This simple trick can significantly lower the seat's temperature, preventing discomfort and potential burns from hot buckles. Consider using a lunch box to store the ice packs while you're in and out of the car to maintain their cooling effect. Alternatively, freeze used water bottles and use them as makeshift ice packs.

  4. Electrolytes: Keep your kids hydrated and replenish their electrolytes in the scorching heat. Consult your doctor to ensure you choose the right electrolyte solution for your child's age. Most brands offer naturally sweet flavors, making them an excellent substitute for sugary juices. For a fun twist, freeze the electrolyte solution into popsicles using silicone popsicle molds.

  5. Full brim hats: Protect your children from the relentless sun by opting for full brim hats instead of regular baseball caps. These hats provide comprehensive coverage, including protection for their ears, making them ideal for outdoor playtime or pool adventures.

  6. Window screens: Install window screens in your car to add an extra layer of sun protection, especially if you have a car seat placed right up against the window. This additional barrier helps keep the sun out of their eyes and maintains a cooler temperature in the backseat.

6. Car AC vent extenders: If your baby is still rear-facing in the car seat, consider using car AC vent extenders. Many car designs lack vents in suitable positions to provide cool air directly to rear-facing children. These extenders shorten the time it takes for your little one to feel the refreshing breeze from the car's air conditioning.

7. Spray bottle and fan: When planning extended periods outdoors, bring a spray bottle and fan combination. This essential duo helps cool down both you and your children, providing much-needed relief from the intense heat.

8. Frozen water bottles: Freeze water bottles before heading out, and bring them along in the car. The bottles will gradually melt, providing ice-cold drinking water for your family while you're on the go or engaged in outdoor activities.

9. Stroller fans: Invest in portable stroller fans that attach easily to your child's stroller. These fans help maintain airflow and keep the temperature inside the stroller cool, especially when you're trying to block out the sun.

10. Kids "boo-boo" ice packs: These cooling packs serve a dual purpose. They can be used as soothing ice packs for minor injuries, but they also make excellent cooling toys for your little ones to hold onto. Look for cute designs that won't get as cold as frozen water bottles or regular ice packs, ensuring the temperature remains suitable for sensitive skin.

11. Parasols or umbrellas: If your child dislikes wearing hats or struggles to keep them on, try using a parasol or umbrella for shade. This option works particularly well during the toddler years when your child can hold the umbrella. For parents who baby-wear, using an umbrella can provide shade for both of you.

12. Long-sleeved bathing suits: Save time and sunscreen by dressing your children in long-sleeved bathing suits. These suits offer excellent sun protection, reducing the need for constant reapplication of sunscreen.

13. Watermelon - The Hydrating Snack: Watermelon is a refreshing and hydrating snack that is perfect for combating dehydration in the scorching Las Vegas heat. This juicy fruit is not only sweet and delicious, but it's also easy to eat, making it a favorite among kids, including those who are just starting with solid foods. Packed with water content, watermelon helps keep your children hydrated while providing essential vitamins and minerals. Slice it into small, manageable pieces and carry it with you wherever you go for a quick and healthy snack option that will keep your kids refreshed and hydrated throughout the day.

What’s our favorite? The FROGG TOGGS cooling towels of course! To see a more comprehensive list of our favorite items to survive the heat -  click here.

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While these tips can help you navigate the extreme heat in Las Vegas, it's important to exercise common sense and extreme caution whenever you and your children are in such hot environments. Each child's needs are unique, so use your judgment and seek appropriate medical advice or consultation when necessary. Remember, these tips are gathered from experienced parents in Las Vegas and should not replace common sense or professional guidance.

Enjoy your time in Las Vegas, and stay cool and safe while creating unforgettable memories with your little ones!


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